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SEO Copywriting Service

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Perk Copywriting brings 15+ years of successful SEO copywriting service to small business owners and startup founders. Our content writing service is designed to deliver scalable, effective SEO strategy that fits lean budgets and niche industries. 


But what defines quality SEO copywriting services for small businesses?


Quality SEO content isn't limited to enterprises and large brands with deep pockets. Perk Copywriting applies current SEO best practices to our winning small business digital marketing strategy to create impactful copy that calls audiences to action and ranks well with Google and other search engines.


Take the first step to content success — book a free consultation!

Small Business SEO Copywriting:
Our 5-Point Plan

seo copywriting service plan

Here's our proven 5-point plan for small business SEO copywriting services:


  1. Smart keyword targeting. Search engine strategy begins with a 3-step approach to keyword research — relevance, popularity, and competition. Long-tail keywords are a vital part of this strategy.

  2. In-depth ethical research. Your SEO copywriter conducts thorough research to fully understand your industry and desired topic. All research is performed ethically, with proper citations and frequent checks for factual accuracy.

  3. SEO content writing tools. Our team writes using proven content writing tools like MarketMuse to develop keyword-rich copy that attracts search engines and customers alike.

  4. Images and video for SEO. Being the best SEO content writing service isn't enough — great SEO services utilize image and video tags to attract the attention of search engines.

  5. The quest for featured snippets. 99% of featured snippets appear as the top organic search result on Google. Perk Copywriting's SEO content writing service regularly obtains featured snippets for its clients.

The first step in content creation is identifying topics of interest. This involves strategic targeting of keywords for search engine results. 


SEO keywords are phrases a content writer uses to make content easier to find in search engine results. The easiest way to define keywords is “what you type into Google when you search”.


Optimizing each page, blog post or piece of your website copywriting around a primary keyword is the best way to ensure quality content creation.


Our professional SEO copywriting service utilizes 3 simple benchmarks to develop and select keywords for your digital content. We blend keywords with high search intent, manageable competition levels, and a touch of long-tail keyword use to create an effective launch pad for your content strategy.

Keyword Targeting for Effective SEO Copywriting

Our 3 Benchmarks of Quality Keyword Targeting

These are Perk Copywriting's 3 core criteria for analyzing keyword quality for new website content:

Long-Tail Keywords In Content Strategy

Capturing high-competition keywords isn't the only way to achieve search engine results page (SERP) victory. A quality SEO writing service understands that search engine users don't always type in short, optimized phrases.


Long-tail keywords are phrases of 4 words or more that people use to make specific searches. These long-tail keywords often include information about location, specific product or service offerings, or personal wants and needs.


Your long-tail keyword may get 500 monthly searches, while a broader keyword gets 5,000. But wouldn't you rather capture those 500 focused users who are ready to convert?


Example: Instead of “SEO writers”, a Google user may enter “hire a quality content writer” as a long-tail keyword. That user is offering more details about their search intent — they don't just want information about writing for SEO, they're ready to make a hiring decision.


Smart businesses use the search intent within long-tail keywords to create focused content ideas that nurture and convert leads. Perk Copywriting utilizes long-tail keywords as an integral part of our content strategy.

Our Content Writers Believe in Ethical Research

It's easier than ever for SEO copywriting services to conduct digital research. But easier doesn't always mean better — and it doesn't always mean factual results.


Publishing incorrect or downright false information is a credibility killer. It's also the quickest way to get punished by Google and ruin your SEO copy value.


We believe ethical SEO companies must thoroughly fact-check before they reference and cite digital sources. Perk Copywriting independently verifies every piece of information through a non-AI source. We take great pride in the quality of information we include in our website copy and blog posts.

4 Steps to Ethical AI Use in Copywriting

This is Perk Copywriting's 4 step approach to the ethical use of generative AI in content creation.

SEO copywriting services must rely on a suite of proven software and tools to craft content. After all, what's Batman without his utility belt? Every SEO copywriting tool in our “belt” is reliable, well-regarded, and cited as an industry leader.


Are these tools more expensive than cheap (or freebie) options? Sure. But we'd rather cut into our bottom line than cut corners on SEO services and software — your content demands it.

The Best SEO Content Writing Tools

SEO Copywriting Tools We Believe In

Here are a few of the SEO copywriting tools in the Perk Copywriting utility belt. We use them regularly in our content writing research & development process.


  • MarketMuse. We love MarketMuse's ability to provide secondary keyword data, as well as its running SEO quality scorecard for our copy. It ensures that we craft quality content that's information-rich, original, and not spammy.

  • Ahrefs. Ahrefs is valuable at every stage of the SEO copywriting process. It's useful for keyword research, competitor analysis, link building, and conducting an SEO audit.

  • Google Search Console. The benchmark by which SEO copywriting services are measured. When you want information about your SERP rankings, click-through rates (CTR), and conversions, you use Google Search Console.

  • Semrush. Semrush is a killer digital marketing platform that helps us optimize your content for organic search traffic, social media campaigns, and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns like Google Ads.

Optimized Images and Video for Website Content

The job of an expert professional SEO copywriter extends beyond pure SEO writing. Our team understands that effective SEO includes optimized use of images and video in your article copy and overall website design.


Did You Know? Google Search Console now tracks use, engagement and conversion rates for video content. We use this information to enhance your digital content and inform your SEO strategy.


Using alt text, captions and video descriptions are simple ways to include SEO copy without writing extra on-page content. We'll include video and images in your blog posts and embed keyword-rich content in their descriptions.


Then, sit back and watch your search engine ranking improve.

Killer SEO Statistics About Images and Video

Featured snippets are the highlighted text boxes you see at the top of Google search results pages (SERPs). These snippets offer direct answers to search queries, and over 99% of them appear as the top Google SERP result.


You don't always have to win the #1 Google ranking to get a featured snippet! Google crawls digital content to find the most effective answers to its users' questions. Crafting well-researched, informational copy is the best way to win these snippets.


Perk Copywriting regularly achieves featured snippets for its clients across a broad variety of topics. In 2024, we've obtained Google featured snippets for queries in the home services, professional consulting and content marketing industries.

Our SEO Copy Wins Featured Snippets

Stats That Prove Featured Snippets Matter

SEO Copywriting Service With a Human Touch

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Perk Copywriting prides itself on being an SEO copywriting agency that's uniquely human. We understand the technical aspects of SEO content development — but we aren't defined by them.


Your digital marketing strategy is still defined by human response, not just search engines. After all, Google isn't your end user — you need people to fall in love with your brand. We never forget that.


Let's have a conversation about how to balance SEO with a human touch. We're ready to write your company's next chapter.

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